Steve Hopwood
Hi, I'm Steve, a UESCA certified Ultra Running Coach.
I live, breath and coach ultra running.
It's my life.
I moved to the Lake District to climb more but discovered fell and mountain running. The runs got longer and longer and I found my niche.
Whether it's racing 50k, a 24 hour mountain challenge or a multi day unsupported mission I love it!
6th - Scafell Skyrace - 2024
6th - The Fellsman - 2024
2nd - Grizedale Trail Marathon 2024
14th - Tot Dret (Tor de Geants) 2023
10th - Ultra Trail Monte Rosa 100k - 2022
4th - The Lap - 2021
Bob Graham Round 19hr 51min -2020
Abrahams Tea Round 5hr 54min - 2020
5th - Grand Tour of Skiddaw - 2019
My Coaching packages
For me, there are two non-negotiable things that have to be considered before starting this journey.
It has to fit in with your life. Life happens, family, friends & work for 99% of people comes before running and that's ok. Life happens so training has to be flexible, which it can be!
Training has to be fun. It has to be varied and never boring. Sure, there will be days that are hard or you struggle to get out of bed for that hill session but that happens to everyone. You will never regret a run once you're done.
Everyone is different and my approach will be different depending on what you need.
Coaching for me isn't just about giving you a training plan and telling you to get on with it. Support is always there and questions are invited. It's a team effort!
Running is obviously the focus but strength and conditioning, yoga, mobility & drills sessions will more than likely be included at some point on the journey as well as cross training.
Scientifically backed research and training methods.
16 week £90 / 24 week £120
Free initial consultation
Bespoke to you training delivered through Training Peaks
Always at least 2 weeks of future training available to see
Strength & Conditioning programme as part of the package
Unlimited contact via phone, WhatsApp or Zoom etc. No restrictive monthly calls etc.
Flexible approach, life happens
Free initial consultation
Bespoke to you training plan delivered through Training Peaks
Strength & Conditioning programme as part of the package
Easy to follow plan
Built around you and your life
Free initial consultation
Bespoke to you training delivered through Training Peaks
Included Training Peaks Premium
Always at least 2 weeks of future training available to see
Strength & Conditioning programme as part of the package
Unlimited contact via phone, WhatsApp or Zoom etc. No restrictive monthly calls etc.
Quarterly in person 1:1 running technique days in The Lake District or Yorkshire Dales
Flexible approach, life happens
With a number of top results at some of Europe's biggest Ultra Marathons I know what is needed to succeed when it comes to the long runs.